What if privacy policies weren’t about Protecting privacy at all ? But rather taking it away .
Lets take a look at google privacy policy around this time to see if any changes were made.
So Here’s google’s privacy policy
from December of 2000 :
GOOGLE may also choose to use cookies to store user preferences,
(a cookie can tell use, ‘this is the same computer that visited google two days ago’ but it cannot tell us, ‘this person is Ramin Sadeghi’ or even ‘this person lives in United States’)
And here’s the privacy policy from one year later in December 2001:
GOOGLE does this by storing user preferences in cookies and by tracking user trends and patterns of how people of how people search.google will not disclose its cookies to third parties EXCEPT as required by a valid legal process such as a search warrant, subpoena, statute, or court order.
Now it’s important to note the fundamental defference between two policies.
The first one says that you totally anonymous. THE OTHER says, when necessary, you’re not.
But here’s what’s strange
the first Privacy policy is deleted from Googles Archive K
And they started to show the policy from December of 2001,and they claims this is their first privacy policy, which it isn’t.
SO WHY WOULD GOOGLE NOT INCLUDE ITS ORIGINAL PRIVACY POLICY on its own archives page - - the one that said you would remain anonymous ? ? ? ?
Would that be somting worth covering up?
even though we don't write checks to google, And that's one of the reasons we kind of like the company, It doesn't mean that google's really free, Or that we are free in the liberty sense when we use it. It might feel very different if google was effectively A $500-a-year service, Because that's the value of the data that you're providing.
in 2012, google was one of the most valuable stocks in the world.WHY ? ? ?
it’s just a simple instance about whats happeinng in out world.
I think without question our privacy is dead, any thing that’s been digitized is not private.
And that is TERRIFYING.
Like the boiling Frog, our privacy is going to ruin every second with every new invention.
they can put every thing that they want to Privacy policies and I guess we have to ask ourselves one simple question :